2020 has certainly been a year of ups and downs, but to end the year we wanted to look back at some of our favourite moments and company highlights.

Earlier this year, LendingMetrics celebrated its 10th anniversary after a full decade of building an enviable reputation for being a positively disruptive force in the Fintech sector. We celebrated the occasion by inviting some of our partners to join us virtually and wish the company Happy Birthday with cake and a glass of champagne. If you missed it, you can watch our celebration video here.

Alongside the anniversary, we moved to a larger self-contained office to facilitate a growing headcount and allow for more space so that staff could return to partial office working in a Covid-secure environment. The new office, located in the heart of the Solent Business Park, includes scenic walks, local lunch spots and modern facilities, and was a great way to further recognise how far the company has come in the past 10 years. The move was short-lived, however, as the country went into a second national lockdown, and staff returned to fully working from home. With several vaccines for Covid-19 now on the cards, we're hoping that the New Year can bring a gradual return to normality and that we can get back to enjoying our new office space.

You might remember that last year we launched our ADP Video Training Series, which is available to all ADP contract holders at no extra cost. This year, we added 14 new videos to the series, covering an array of topics. With 24/7 access, you can master ADP at your own pace, easily review topics with convenient chapter-based navigation and watch online, any time, from any device.

Our company newsletter, Metrics Monthly, provided you with a regular roundup of industry highlights, valuable insight, company updates and much more throughout the year. Several of our key thinkpieces got you talking, including our thoughts on how Open Banking is being utilised in a pandemic and what the future holds for the mortgage industry.

In a year where most awards, events and conferences moved online, we were proud to walk away with three new awards, including Credit Risk Solution at the Credit & Collections Technology Awards, and Best Technology Partner at the Car Finance Awards. Accepting the awards virtually was a new experience, and our very own graphic designer Georgia Pullen enjoyed presenting three of the awards at the Car Finance Awards, which LendingMetrics sponsored.

Two of our biggest highlights this year were recognition as a Premier Power Top 20 company and as an Organic Growth 25 business. Credit Connect announced their company power list at the start of December; a round-up of the most prominent and innovating companies in the industry. LendingMetrics was pleased to be in the top 20 for the second year in a row, following a successful year for the business despite the obvious obstacles many SMEs have faced. This success was reflected in the company being included in Buzzacott’s Organic Growth 25, an overview of businesses that have scaled successfully and without external investment. LendingMetrics’ 3-year revenue growth of an impressive 462% was the third highest of all of the businesses being recognised, and shows the stability and steadfastness of the company, the importance of which is well recognised by our customers.

With a difficult year for many coming to an end, we hope that you too can look back at some of the positives and that 2021 brings you health and happiness. From everyone at LendingMetrics, happy new year!