Best Credit Information Supplier

After yet another nerve racking awards ceremony in London, we are delighted to have come away with a major new award for our Auto Decision Platform “ADP” and for OpenBankVision.

The Lending Awards was held at the Hilton in London and followed a terrific conference attended by some of the most senior executives in the lending sector.

LendingMetrics was named as the “Best Credit Information Supplier” resulting in no small part from the great work we have done in the Open Banking sector with OpenBankVision.

ADP and OpenBankVision have won multiple awards over the past 18 months including “Best Technology Provider” and “Best Credit Risk Solution” and this latest recognition is a fantastic way to round off the 2018 awards season.

We would like to thank the judges and the organisers for their generous recognition and we congratulate all of the other winners, well done.